Sterling Grace

Break The Vase

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Break The Vase

"Giving it all to Jesus"

A women came to Him with an alabaster vial of very expensive perfume, and she poured it on His head as He was reclining at the table. Matthew 26:7

In the story of Mary of Bethany, we witness a profound act of love and devotion as she arrives at Simon's home where Jesus was. With an alabaster vase filled with spikenard, an oil worth a year's wages, Mary broke open the vase and poured its precious contents over Jesus' head and feet. This act is not merely a gesture; it symbolized her willingness to her very best, without reservation to hesitation. For Mary, this alabaster vase represents her first fruits, "a reflection of her heart's desire to offer everything to Jesus and not just what she could spare. 

Picture this: you're standing before God, holding a delicate alabaster jar brimming with every hope, dream, and unfulfilled prayer you've ever had. It's heavy, right? But guess what? You don't have to carry that weight anymore! Just imagine the freedom of smashing that vase at the feet of Jesus, releasing all those burdens and embracing His incredible grace. It's a powerful moment of surrender, where you can finally say, "I'm all in!"     - Deborah

"I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33