Adoption Charm

Adoption Charm

Posted by Deborah Harter on Mar 28th 2016

Adoption Charm

Chosen Hand

Gift of Adoption

"Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift. 
II Corinthians 9:15 

(written from the baby's perspective)

"For a child you prayed 
He heard your request 
And that of the birth mother 
Who wanted my best
Directing our paths
He brought us together
From His own hand into yours
God created me
Then you chose to take me
A parent's love birthed deep in your heart
Our lives are now blessed
Thanks be to God
For knowing whats best"

Deborah Harter ©

"For the Mighty One who has done great things for me, and Holy is His name."”
Luke 1:49 

This charm is great for anyone who is adopting, adopted, or for the birth mother. I have had several adopting Mom's purchase this to gift the "Birth Mom,Charm" for the gift she made possible to their family. Made of sterling silver and wears great on a chain as a necklace, or on a charm bracelet. We also have a great piece for Foster Parents.